Sunday, December 7, 2014

Peach and Custard Splits

I am loving Ruby Tandoh's columns in The Guardian,  and recently was totally suckered in by her recipe for Rhubarb and Custard Splits, online here.  I did not see Ruby in GBBO, but I am enjoying watching the very first series of GBBO, currently on TV here.  Edd Kimber is such a sweetie and fun to watch, especially as I have followed GBBO religiously from its inception through The Guardian.
Really, what's not to love here - sweet buns filled with crème patisserie and jam:
For a twist, I used sour cream (because I had some) in the crème patisserie and homemade peach jam instead of making rhubarb jam.
People at work thought these buns were scones, but regardless, they seemed to eat them.  I really liked these buns, which is no surprise given my adoration for custard.  The buns are a little fiddly to make, but are super easy - all you need is a little time.


  1. They look and sound delicious! I like your twist on the recipe, and I want to try it. Sweet buns with cream and jam, yum!

  2. I wish I worked with you as you always bring such great treats to work!

  3. ooh that looks so yummy - sort of like a posh version of scones with jam and cream

  4. Oh, I thought they were scones at first too. They look delicious and I want some peach jam right now!!
    I am watching TGBB too, it's the final tonight and then the Christmas special next week.

  5. oh wow! They look so delicious! I'm mouthwatering right now!

  6. Unos buenos panecillos.
    Un saludito

  7. I've never seen a "split" before but I can tell from looking at these that I need to at least put that somewhere on the bucket list as they look really really good. Custard, a bun, and fruit, what's not to love on that plate?? So pretty, too. :-) You make the most interesting things over here.


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