Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chocolate Cake with Vegemite Caramel Buttercream

As regular readers will know, I have an eye for the unusual, so when I was asked to make chocolate cake, I wasn't going to make any old chocolate cake - it had to be different.  The Clandestine Cake Club Cookbook stepped in with a recipe for Chocolate Cake with Marmite Caramel Buttercream.  You can find the recipe online here.

Aussies don't do marmite, so I substituted vegemite for the marmite.  It sounds weird, but think salted caramel, and that's what the vegemite does:

This cake is very tasty, if a tad sweet because of the frosting.  I made only half the frosting which was sufficient to do the cake.  The trick with the frosting is to work with it fast because it sets up quickly - I ended up moulding it around my cake rather than spreading it (which works just fine, in case you were wondering).

If you have chocolate cake fans to please and want to add an element of mystery to your creation, try this cake recipe - it's good. 


  1. wow I want to make - though my experience with caramel icing is not great - but with vegemite sound very intriguing

  2. OK. I am completely intrigued by the idea of Vegemite Caramel Buttercream! I must investigate further!

  3. I'm so intrigued by this cake. With the sugar it sounds very much like a salted caramel frosting!

  4. Oh, how fantastic! I love this idea. Salted caramel is such a 'thing' now, it is possible to imagine vegemite caramel working surprisingly well. I am glad you are one for adventurous cake :-)

  5. Wow, that's unusual alright! Looks like it turned out brilliantly. :-)

  6. Leave it to you do give us a virtual taste of the unsual Gaye.

    It sure looks interesting. I have always wondered about Vegemite. I actually have a Vegemite die-cut cookbook I should share one of these days. Thanks for the reminder and for the tasting:)

  7. No!!!! You could work with Heston or be Mrs Cropley from The Vicar of Dibley!!It is such a clever idea.


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