Monday, October 13, 2014

Dark Chocolate and Marmalade Cake for Collette

Recently, it was my colleague Collette's birthday.  To celebrate, I made her the Dark Chocolate Marmalade Cake from The Clandestine Cake Club Cookbook.  You can also find the recipe online here.

I love a chocolate/orange combination, so this cake was a perfect flavour choice.  I also loved the chunks of chocolate throughout the cake:

Instead of making the chocolate buttercream that accompanied the recipe, I used the chocolate fudge icing from The Crabapple Bakery Cupcake Cookbook, which is also online here.  It tastes very chocolatey but doesn't use chocolate, just cocoa, so it is infinitely quicker and cheaper to make.

For decorations, I used Queen chocolate letters (another birthday pressie from Mum) and sugar butterflies.  I thought it looked really pretty.

I thought the cake itself was a little on the dry side, but there were no complaints - at least none that were passed on to me.  The frosting helped to combat any dryness, so it was a win from my standpoint.


  1. Such as great combination, never have seen chocolate letters before, clever decoration idea

  2. Ooh did you say chunks of chocolate throughout the cake? Yep that's a winner for me! :D

  3. It's always a mystery to me how a cake full of chocolate can be a bit dry but I have found that too - love how much you use the crabapple bakery frostings - and the cake looks so pretty

  4. What a lovely cake for Collette. While I don't usually mark too many chocolate recipes, I did mark this one because sometimes I need a chocolate icing and I don't have any chips or squares in the house, so just being able to use cocoa would be a big plus. Thanks! You are always ever so helpful! :-)


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