Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WWDH - Caramelised balsamic tomatoes with chicken

For Wednesday with Donna Hay this week, Sarah has chosen Donna's Caramelised Balsamic Tomatoes with Chicken.  I don't know why the recipe title leaves out the chicken, as it is an integral part of the recipe.

This dish was quite tasty.  I served the chicken and caramelised balsamic tomatoes with stir fried vegetables, and it made a hearty complete meal.

For dessert, I tried Peters Caramel Popcorn Fandangles:

There are 10 in a box, which come individually wrapped:

They come on a cool purple plastic stick with stars that allows you to get a code from the box:

to play an online game.  Highly recommended deliciousness!

To see what Sarah, Margaret and Chaya thought of this week's dish, visit their websites.


  1. Popcorn caramel ice cream? I love the idea of a balsamic dinner, but I love your dessert :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  2. I agree about the title! Slightly bizarre. But we enjoyed how the tomatoes tasted; we had ours with fish.

  3. We enjoyed this very much. Also wondered why they left out the chicken.

  4. My those caramelized balsalmic tomatoes. Your photo is mouth-watering. YUM!

  5. Oh I skipped right over the main to dessert. If I wasn't in my pyjamas I would go out to get some immediately. Yum!!


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