Thursday, June 26, 2014

Martha Rose Shulman's Seeded Chocolate Chip Cookies

Do you read the cooking sections in the newspapers?  I look forward to Tuesdays, the key food day in most newspapers, and to the weekend newspaper magazines, which also feature recipes.  I have way more clippings and bookmarked recipes than I can ever possibly make, but that doesn't stop me from looking for my next recipe fix.

Recently, I found a recipe for Seeded Chocolate Chip Cookies by Martha Rose Shulman, of the New York Times.  I was attracted to this recipe because it includes chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and rolled oats (all of which I had to hand), making them a little different from other recipes.  I made the recipe as stated except that (a) I used dark chocolate chips because I was not in the mood to chop up chocolate; and (b) I used tablespoons of dough instead of teaspoons because I clearly cannot read, so I only got 18 cookies (though I doubt that I would have got 4 dozen, as the recipe suggests).

I was glad that I made these - they were really good cookies, and just a little different from your usual chocolate chip cookies.  I even received a verbal compliment at work for them - because I bake fairly often, this is quite rare.  I would definitely make these cookies again sometime.


  1. I would bake these cookies but I suspect the pumpkin seeds wouldn't go over so well in the house - I bought seeded bread recently and sylvia was picking out the sunflower seeds!!!! But perhaps it wouldn't be a bad thing - more for me :-)

    And I too keep seeking out new recipes even though I am up to my eyeballs in cookbooks and bookmarks - though I don't tend to look at the newspaper ones as much - I think I have got disenchanted with the local ones because they have so many meat recipes I wont make

  2. I love food bits of newspapers :) We don't get the weekday ones most of the time but I'm pleased to see the weekend Guardian here has a great food magazine.

    I love the look of these cookies, too!

  3. I like the sound of these-some extra crunch from the seeds but of course you've got to have chocolate!

  4. These seeded cookies sound delicious and healthy...I have never put seeds in choc chip cookies before...but you can bet I am going to give this a try as I am always making choc chip cookies for the guys, those are their favorites. The cookies look wonderful.

  5. I am relieved that you can't read recipes sometimes too, I always think it is only me. The seeds sound like a welcome addition, and yes, I love reading the food sections!!


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