Friday, June 13, 2014

FFWD - Crab-avocado “Ravioli”

We are still by the seaside for this week's French Friday with Dorie, this time dining on crustaceans - in particular, crabs.  This dish is called Crab-avocado “Ravioli”, and the quotes are there for a reason - this is not ravioli at all, but rather, herbed crab meat sandwiched between two thin slices of avocado.

I am sorry Dorie, but I did not understand this one at all.  Sure, I understood how to make it.  I even made my mandolin cut through the avocado pit, a delicate task given that I had to abandon the hand guard and press the avocado across the blade with force to make it cut.  But why Dorie, why? 

This tasted OK - crabmeat and avocado, what's not to like?  But I think this combination would have been much better as the base for a salad, as a number of Doristas have said they would do.

To see whether this was hit or miss with the other Doristas, visit the LYL section of the website.


  1. Yours looks good! I totally didn't "get" this either! I went for a salad!

  2. You get three gold stars for cutting the avocado with a pit. I am truly impressed :-)
    The combination was tasty and definitely deserves to appear paired with something!

  3. Yep - I wasn't about to tempt fate by trying to slice an avocado with a mandoline! I have to agree with Trevor that some dishes are best ordered in a French restaurant in France! Brava to you for trying this!

  4. You followed the directions!! Triple brownie points for you!!!

  5. I couldn't agree with you more! I did a few, then tossed the rest together and made mini-tostadas, which is what I typically would do otherwise (which I think were pretty cute too!)

    Good work for trying though. I'm sure they were yummy.

  6. I haven’t made mine yet…I plan on doing it tomorrow. I know I won’t be using my mandolin…it scares me just reading everyone’s post. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Yours look FAB! I managed to slice some with the pit and managed to dispose of it by switching sides and it was a okay from then on.

  8. I'm VERY impressed that you went the mandolin route, though I don't know "why" either. It just seems like there are easier and just as effective ways to prepare this, without risking fingers and aggravation.

  9. I'm impressed that you managed this one with a mandoline - it seemed quite a scary proposition to me. I used a knife on a just barely ripe avocado and it worked well. I can see this might be impressive as an appetizer, but really, why not just go the salad route? I did like all the flavours, though.

  10. Gaye, a very nice presentation indeed - glad that you seem to have enjoyed the combination of flavors in this dish. And kudos for slicing the avocado with a mandoline.

  11. Wow, and you didn't lose the tip of your finger... maybe this whole recipe was just a big dare?

  12. Your picture is on of the more palatable and presentable "ravioli" photos. I didn't even try. I did have a "visual" in my mind of you trying to push the avocado pit through the mandoline. You are fortunate to have all digits intact. Bravo to you for not going rogue on this recipe. I agree with your comments in your Post, however.

  13. I loved the flavor of this one, but agree that the fancy presentation value was not worth losing a finger over.

  14. From your picture, I now see what Dorie was getting at, but I second your question, WHY? I went with the salad version and was quite pleased with the flavors, and much less fussy without having to risk my fingers to the mandoline. Great experiment.

  15. Interesting about that crab-avocado ravioli recipe. It looks unique and interesting and it definitely screams "eat me" to me so I may have to give it a try on that alone and see what you found while you were making it. Interesting.


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