Friday, March 28, 2014

FFWD - Vegetable Barley Soup with the Taste of Little India

For French Friday with Dorie this week, we combine a little bit of rustic country charm with a little bit of spice to make a dish that Dorie confesses is neither Indian nor French.  That's right, we made Vegetable Barley Soup with the Taste of Little India.  You can find the recipe online here

I was pleased about making this soup, not because I love soup, but because I had all of the ingredients already.  Parsnips and pearl barley are things that I don't use often, but I had parsnips left over from the Carrot and Parsnip Fritters, and pearl barley from the  last time that we used it for FFWD.  Fabulous!

I liked this soup - the spice gave it a bit of kick to make it interesting, and the pearl barley made it filling.  It would be great in the depths of winter when it is so cold and grey and miserable that you think you may never smile again.

To see what the other Doristas thought of this soup recipe, visit the LYL section of the FFWD website.


  1. Looks great! I'll be trying this myself later in the week.

  2. This looks like a wonderful soup! And I have everything in my fridge and pantry for this too :D I really want to give it a go!

  3. This was a good empty the refrigerator and pantry soup (even if all the ingredients don't perfectly line up...)

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Enjoyed your post and the soup looks and sounds FAB! Made my stock last night and the soup this evening!

  5. Glad this was a hit! I love when I don't need a long shopping list for our Friday posts, too :)

  6. oh i love barley soup and it was looking like barley soup weather earlier this week but I think I will wait til this warm spell is over til I consider a big pot of it - but I could have had a bowlful after getting caught in the rain yesterday

  7. Your soup looks delicious! The little kick from the pepper flakes was my favorite part! Hope your weekend is good.

  8. Even though I did not care for the spices, the soup
    was wonderful with the veggies and barley. Yours
    looks wonderful, and you are so right, on a cold winter day this would be perfect.

  9. I just love soup...but I loved this one for all the reasons you gave too.

  10. I had everything I needed for this soup in my fridge or pantry too! I cut the amount of spice…and I really liked it! Glad this was a winner for you!

  11. Yours looks great. Think we needed a bit more barley in ours.

  12. Looks great! I can't wait to catch up on this one. Yum. I love a good soup.

  13. I just cold not bring myself to make this soup. Altho I would have loved it I would have been the only one. Maybe another time. Does look good, tho.

  14. I liked this soup also, Gaye. I'm a fan of pearl barley - I actually doubled the barley in the soup. The first night I ate it, perfect. By the time I reheated it the next day, the barley had sucked up all the broth. It was funny. I just added more broth and it was fine. My mother always used parsnips in her cooking - a midwestern thing I guess. I had some left over and roasted them and sprinkled Dukkah on them. Did you blog about your fritters?

    1. Hi Mary, yes, I blogged about the fritters here:

  15. This sounds like a great mix of flavours to me!

  16. Very nice looking soup and what a lovely presentation with the nice slices of carrots and parsnips! We enjoyed this recipe as well and were quite surprised by the punch that the tumeric and garam masala added to this soup!

  17. I love the look of the sliced vegetables. I chopped mine small and it has a completely different look. Glad to hear you enjoyed this one.

  18. Glad you liked the soup. With all the spices it was indeed warm and comforting.

  19. It would be good in the winter, but it was also perfect for a rainy Spring week, too. Both warming and filling.


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