Friday, January 17, 2014

FFWD - Christine's Simple Party Soups - Asparagus Soup

This week's French Fridays with Dorie recipe is Christine's Simple Party Soups.  These comprise three beef-bouillon based soups, flavoured with asparagus, broccoli and capsicum respectively.

I didn't want to be drowning in soups, so I chose just one, the asparagus soup, and made a quarter recipe (single serve).  Some Doristas found their soups to be quite thin, but mine was thick, possibly because I guesstimated one quarter of the asparagus required for a full recipe.  I prefer thicker soups, so I was happy.

For the photo only, I poured the soup into a mini milk bottle with a paper straw, but the soup was too thick to drink  from the straw.

To see  what the other Doristas thought of these soups and to catch a glimpse of the other flavours, check out the LYL section of the website.


  1. Sounds like a healthy soup with those three main ingredients :)

  2. Even if you didn't drink it this way, I love the presentation! It looks like a thick green smoothie :)

  3. I love the presentation too, Cakelaw. It could almost convince me to make thinner soups, almost, lol...Thanks for sharing...

  4. things we do for blogging - your soup looks very delicious - just the thing for a posh supper

  5. First off look at the color of those gorgeous , makes me want to try it it now.

  6. Very cute! I'm just now packing away my soups - freezer bags galore. Wish I would have thought to reduce the recipes! :) Oh well, maybe the light factor means more wine at dinner!

  7. I like how you served your soup! Creative!

  8. Love the soup in the milk bottle with straw presentation. I also only made one soup - the Broccoli and it was great. Have a nice weekend:)

  9. Aw! It would have been fun to sip the soup using the straw. I'm happy you the asparagus soup. I have made some before and it's one of my favorites.

  10. My red pepper soup most certainly would have gone through that straw!

  11. I am going to copy your service idea. If I use the bubble tea straws, it should work! Thanks.

  12. Pretty presentation for a party though. I think that the red pepper soup would have worked just fine with a straw.

  13. What a cute presentation!!! Yeah, I would have liked a thicker soup like yours :)

  14. I like thicker soup too. I cut the broth down (2/3 of what she said). I love the milk bottle. Too bad it wasn't practical, but it looks fantastic.

  15. Adore the presentation with the straw and milk bottle. The only soup that was thin for me was the red pepper - that was almost like flavored water. Hope you are enjoying your summer weather!

  16. Such a fun presentation! I also cut my soups way down as they would have been too much. I think the thickness was perfect too!

  17. Very pretty presentation! I prefer my soup thicker, too, even if that means forgoing the straw. :)

  18. Nice presentation :-)

    I don't think I could make myself take soup out of a straw even if it was Dorie thin - I would expect it to taste like a smoothie...

  19. the straw is a nice idea for serving the soups too! :) Great job!

  20. I drunk mine our of a mug!!! I did not think to use a straw! Nice touch! I liked the soups very much

  21. Oh my gosh that is just adorable !! Love your presentation, even if the soup was too thick to use the straw. Best of both worlds as you got an awesome photo op and a soup with some decent weight to it. WIN WIN. Great job ~


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