Friday, December 13, 2013

FFWD - Mme Maman's Chopped Liver

It's French Friday with Dorie time again, and this week, we are tackling a dish that has long been barracked for by those who want to get unpleasantries out of the way - Mme Maman's Chopped Liver.

And you know the funny thing about of of this is that the Chopped Liver wasn't bad at all.  I spiced it up with cayenne pepper, and I really quite liked it slathered on toasted pumpernickel:

My chopped liver has a pink tinge because Dorie said the livers should only be cooked until rosy in the centre - yet on all the photos I have seen on the Web, it is a drab brown.  I don't care if that is not right, as it tasted good just like it was.  Then again, all of the photos of chopped liver that I have seen depict it as a kind of processed sludge, not unlike Peck's paste in appearance - this version is chunky and gutsy, yet soft enough to spread. 

Despite the fact that this dish sounded gross, I actually really liked it.  Who knew?  And it was cheap as chips - apparently the market for gizzards is not very big.

To see what the other Doristas, thought, visit the LYL section of the website.


  1. Yup I agree it's easy and I probably would have eaten it had I not made it (I'm weird like that!). Neil enjoyed his a lot. And it really wasn't too bad to make, just slightly gross! Then again, we did do a year of charcuterie making working through Michael Ruhlman's Charcuterie so I have seen and done a lot more gruesome "bits" ;) Glad you enjoyed!

  2. You are a good sport. The smell of last year's liver escapade still lingers in my memory and I knew no one would eat it.

    Bravo, my friend. Bravo!

  3. I think the idea of chopped liver isn't as appealing but I'm sure that it tastes great! I love pate but have never made chopped liver before :)

  4. Way to go, and first one up at FFwD! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm still deciding what I will write about mine...

  5. I was really tasty!!! Glad you enjoyed!

  6. I'm glad I didn't spend any time going around the web looking at others efforts first. Had i done so I would have been discouraged I'm sure. Seems many practically puree the stuff don't they? I think I like the texture, rustic look for it and I wouldn't mind the pinkness you show at ALL! Great going!

  7. Mine was chunky too, I didn't think to google it ahead of time and I've never had chopped liver before so I didn't know that it was usually ground up finer. Pretty happy that I didn't know actually, because, like you, I enjoyed my chunky version.

  8. We like liver so for me this slices are the issue. Mine is coking right now and I still haven't decided on what to do! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I agree about the price. It's nice to have a cheap French Friday:)

  9. Glad you surprised yourself. It's amazing how cheap the livers are. Especially compared with how much they would charge for this in a restaurant! Have a great weekend.

  10. How nice that you also enjoyed this dish - it was not easy to make it look attractive but you did!
    Have a nice weekend!

  11. Looking good! Oh Wow, so many of us raving about it! What a surprise! Looks like I need to make this again, manually! LOL

  12. I am surprised that so many agreed that it was tasty.
    We loved it and I will definitely do this recipe again.
    Yours look so good and I am glad you enjoyed it.

  13. I thought this was really good too. I like your idea of a little cayenne, and I would have loved the pumpernickel.


  14. Kudos to you for your great attitude. I think you also nailed it with the rosy pink color because while I tend to overdo my meat, I know those who truly enjoy it do it when less cooked. I think the rosy version was probably the peak of flavor. And great idea to slather it on bread :)

  15. Kudos on making this! I had to skip it; just couldn't do it.


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