Friday, November 22, 2013

FFWD - Salty-sweet potato far

For French Friday with Dorie this week, we venture into the intriguing world of salty and sweet, which sounds right up my alley.  This week's recipe is salty-sweet potato far, and the name alone had me intrigued.

The recipe itself is perhaps not so intriguing - it is basically a huge potato cake with prunes added for the sweet part.  It was quite OK to eat, even better  cold, but probably not a repeat for me.  Ah, such promise in the name, but it was not fulfilled for me.

To see what the other Doristas thought of this dish, visit the LYL section of the FFWD website.


  1. Somehow this looks like a Spanish tortilla de patatas hahahaa

    1. I wish it has been more like a tortilla de patatas, too! This was a strange one that I don't think I'll repeat.

  2. I'm having to skip this week's ffwD, and based on your review, I probably wouldn't like it anyway. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Yeah this was just odd... I really wanted to like it and it wasn't awful, just really really strange!

  4. This was curious, wasn't it? - I skipped the dried fruits, so will be interested to see how everyone made out with it in there.

  5. I agree that this taste better cold ie the day after!

  6. I've never heard of a far before! A shame that it wasn't a repeat dish but it would have been good just to try it :)

  7. This looks awesome and so exotic :D


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  8. What a shame it didn't live up to expectations - it does *sound* great! I am intrigued by the dish as a whole too.

  9. It does promise more than it delivers, doesn't it? Salty sweet should be good. We tried to like but just couldn't.

  10. I wish I knew to try it cold… honestly, I just threw out the leftovers.

  11. This one looked But not for us. Lke you, the ingredients just didn't sound good.

  12. With the exception of the fruit, this should have been good, but it didn't seem to be a winner. Hopefully
    the french toast will turn out to be great.

  13. This one didn't really fulfill me either. It was OK, but I won't make it again either. What are Devils on Horseback?

  14. sounds odd but intriguingly so - I love potatoes and prunes but never thought to combine them this way

  15. You're supposed to convince me that I need to make up this recipe ;) Glad you gave it a shot!

  16. I had the outlier response in that I liked it but now am afraid to do much more defending :) Seriously though, the one I chowed down on was the cauliflower version while I had one spoon of the potato one to do my comparison. The potato/flour one was obviously more bread like and I think the extra cream I added to the cauliflower version made a huge difference. My younger son said that one tasted more like a souffle. Oh well, never a dull Friday :)


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