Saturday, October 5, 2013

Triple Salted Caramel Cupcakes

On Wednesday, it was my friend Steve's birthday.  I like to make him cake every year, and this year, instead of one large cake, I made cupcakes.

I have the Sprinkle Bakes cookbook, and used it for the first time to make Steve these Triple Salted Caramel Cupcakes.  You can find the recipe online here, but the book is a good one if you want to invest, as it shows you how to make the mundane quite stunning.

Here is a snapshot inside of one of the cupcakes - this was one of the ones that didn't make the cut, but you get the idea of the caramel cake plus caramel sauce plus caramel icing:

I didn't make the halos - they look fairly easy, but when you are baking at night after work and trying to watch TV and get ready for bed, you need to draw the line somewhere.  I just used sparkly gold stars instead.

Happy birthday Stevie!


  1. The caramel icing sounds like a delicious idea. I'll have to try the recipe just for the icing!

  2. If I was baking at night and it was time to be getting ready for bed, I'd probably have drawn the line earlier and bought something ;) So - I am impressed and I bet he loved these!

  3. So much caramel in one cupcake-what a scrumptious idea :)

  4. Triple Salted Caramel Cupcakes, are you kidding with these? Oh my word, I can't mark this one to try as I would want to eat a whole lot of them...those look fantastic! Lucky Steve!


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