Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WWDH - Apple and Dark Chocolate Wontons

For this week's Wednesday with Donna Hay, Chaya has chosen Apple and Dark Chocolate Wontons from Donna's website.

These little packages are pretty straight forward - sandwich a pice of apple and a piece of chocolate between two wonton wrappers, brush with melted butter and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees Celsius:

Dust the finished product with icing sugar to serve.

These wontons tasted nice - crispy on the outside, soft and gooey chocolate contrasting with the tartness of the apple on the inside.  It was my first time working with wonton wrappers.  I have heaps of them left over, so I hope to make some pot stickers with the remainder.

To see what Chaya, Kayte and Margaret thought of these wontons, visit their websites,


  1. Well it looks like you had success and enjoyed them. It was fun making them once, but probably not a repeat...although by the end of the evening the guys did eat all 7 of the chocolate ones. I ate the butterscotch one and I liked the filling the best...probably just me being jaded expecting a nice little pasta dough with a great filling so I was a bit disappointed in the whole wonton wrapper thing. Fun to try new things, though.

  2. Not a fave here, but the filling was nice.

    What size wontons did you have?

  3. I have made many things with wontons. The ones that are fried are the best but as I keep repeating, I am trying to avoid frying.

    A few times during the year, I get wontons and experiment. These were not close to the best but they were eaten.

  4. yum - and I liked them even more when you said they were baked - baking is less of a challenge with wanton wrappers than steaming or frying

  5. What a great idea! I love the sound of these, and how easy they would be to make.


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