Tuesday, December 4, 2012

BWJ - Gingerbread Cake - Definitely Not a Baby

This week's Baking with Julia recipe, hosted by Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories, is Gingerbread Baby Cakes.  Now until this recipe cropped up, I had never heard of "baby cakes" before.  Apparently they are little cakes about 4" in diameter, not mini muffins as I first thought.  No baby cake tins - no worries.  I made two x 9" cakes, one of which I froze for later.

I substituted golden syrup for molasses (it used up an entire bottle!), and subbed much of the brown sugar for white sugar as I had run out of brown.  I don't see that it made much difference in the end - I ended up with a very full bodied gingerbread cake that was moist  and flavoursome.  That fresh ginger added quite a bit of kick!

If I was hankering for gingerbread, I'd make this again - it was good.  I think it would be terrific iced with a lemon glaze.

To see what the other BWJ bakers thought, visit the LYL section of the website.


  1. You can look at it as a BIG baby! Nice job! I was pleased with the way mine looked , but way to strong for me..and I love molasses!

  2. I made a half recipe and had and 8" baby...
    This was a good cake, wasn't it?

  3. Nope, definitely not a baby! But it sure does look delicious - what a great outcome.

  4. I'm sure the Golden Syrup saved your cakes. The molasses was just too strong. It over powered the ginger. Glad you found a winner.

  5. I've never heard of baby cakes before! I have a tin about that size and I just call it a mini cake. Who knew!? :P

  6. Mmmm I would eat it all... baby right ;)

    Choc Chip Uru

  7. Your cake looks big and lovely! Perhaps I would have liked mine more if I had used syrup instead of the molasses. Lemon would be nice with it.

  8. Interesting that you used golden syrup instead. I should try that again as I found that I do not like the taste of molasses.
    Glad you liked them!

  9. Your cake looks moist and has a lovely warm color and I like the idea of baking "a whole cake" rather than Baby Cakes, it does make for a nice presentation too - it is nice that you enjoyed this Gingerbread Cake so much!

  10. Lemon glaze sounds like a good idea!

  11. My new favorite recipe for gingerbread - so glad you enjoyed it! :)

  12. I love Lyle's! Your cake looks delicious.

  13. I was also out of molasses and used cane syrup instead. These were perfect. My new go-to.

  14. Your cake looks delicious. Like you, we loved the flavor and will definitely make it again for the holidays.

  15. Lemon glaze on gingerbread sounds good! I was scared off by all the molasses and spice in this recipe, so I skipped it.

  16. Your cake looks so good and moist. I wish I had thought of subbing the molasses with golden syrup. I bet it gave your cake a much more subtle flavor.

  17. Good job on the substitutes. I used to run out and buy every item I did not have in my pantry of fridge and follow the recipes closely, but the bad economy hit and I actually like being a little different from everyone else...and I love using what I already have. We really loved this cake and I'm ready to bake it again.

  18. I wish I had thought of substituting the molasses for golden syrup! I think it would have made a huge difference and made it more palatable.

  19. I didn't know what baby cake pans were either, Gaye, so I used my mini-bundt molds. Since the mini-bundt molds hold ALOT of batter, it has taken me three days to eat just one of them. Although I love this gingerbread, a little goes a long way. So I actually think your 9" cake pans are better,. I also believe that this rather robust gingerbread would be great as mini-muffins on a buffet table during the holidays. Just a bite is yummy. Happy Holidays and I sent a card off to you anyway. I have enjoyed reading your Posts the past 2 years and learning more about your country. Plus, my younger daughter is a lawyer so it makes me think I know you better than I do. Go figure.

  20. Happy holidays to you too Mary, and thank you for such a lovely message. I pulled out of the cards as I thought we'd be matched to send just one card. Postage in Australia is very expensive.

  21. I also substituted out the molasses. I think that helped make the cake better. Great job!

  22. i wish i'd subbed golden syrup for some of the molasses in my cakes. all molasses was way to much. i like the look and texture of yours better.

  23. Your cake looks great…nice to know you can make those changes and still have a lovely cake! Glad you enjoyed!

  24. Your gingerbread cake looks rich and delicious! I figured you had done baby cakes before because I always think of you as the cake baker! They are fun and I have made them a lot as we are not cake lovers here (well I am, but the guys are not for some reason), so if I make a baby cake and eat most of it, the damage is far less than say a larger cake...lol!


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