Thursday, November 15, 2012

Betty's of Harrogate Christmas Pudding and Mincemeat

This year, I had not so much a stir-up Sunday but  stir-up Tuesday on the Melbourne Cup public holiday in Melbourne.  As well as a Christmas cake, I made a Christmas pudding and mincemeat using recipes from Betty's of Harrogate published in The Guardian here.

This was a bit of risk taking, because I have never heard of Betty's of Harrogate.  However, the illustrations of the Christmas pudding and cake were so good that I decided to give it a burl.

And boy, was it worth it - I was rewarded with the handsome pud at the top of this post, albeit after 5 hours of steaming. After last year's disasters, I was ecstatic.

I have also used the Betty's of Harrogate  recipe for mincemeat in the same article:

Tim says he loves fruit mince tarts, so I have made this mincemeat in the hope that it will mature nicely and be the perfect basis for some fruit mince tarts. 

I am so excited that Christmas is coming - I can't wait to get stuck into the rest of my Christmas baking.


  1. Gosh this really signals that Christmas is coming quickly! :o I hadn't heard of Betty at Harrogate either but it sounds like it was a winner :)

  2. I will trust you that this is delicious.

  3. Seeing this i just realized indeed christmas is catching up :-)

  4. your pudding looks perfect - I had hoped I might attempt one this christmas but I think I am running out of time


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