Friday, October 21, 2011

FFwD - Pissaladiere

This week's French Fridays with Dorie dish is something I have never heard of before - the Pissaladiere, the French equivalent of a  pizza, topped with a poignant mix of caramelised onions, anchovies and olives.

The base of the pissaladiere is a thin pizza type dough, and is quick and simple to make.  However, I was not such a fan of the topping - I adore anchovies and olives, but concentrated doses of onion are not for me.  However, this base could be easily used for other toppings.

To check out other views on the pissaladiere, check out the LYL section of the FFwD website.


  1. Whoa, hold the like anchovies and not onions???? I've never heard of such a thing! I am thinking when I make this one, Mr. Anchovy and his friends are going to be conspicuously missing from action. Yours looks really good, and fun...I'll just pretend that those anchovies are something else. lol

  2. Sorry you weren't a huge fan. I hope at least the sell of the onions cooking down made the house smell good :-)

  3. Even though you didn't quite dig the onions, your pissaladiere dough certainly looks gorgeous! My post will be up soon, just going around to see how everyone else's turned out (because I think mine looked pretty horrible!)

  4. Your pissaladiere looks more authentic than mine because I refused to make a pizza with basically olives and anchovies. Great post!

  5. Oh what a shame you didn't like it. I must admit I adore pissaladiere! :)

  6. Awe!!! I'm so sorry the toppings made you sad! I love this dish!

  7. Wait, where are your little criss-crossy anchovies? I didn't use them, either. I put anchovy paste in the onions and criss-crossed some sundried tomatoes on top. I really liked this dish, although I didn't even try to push it off on anyone else in the house.

  8. how funny! you are the only one so far that is "anti-onions" instead of "anti-anchovies!" :) ... maybe a few less in the onion dept then? We felt it was a bit extreme and wound up leaving a bit off, but I liked their taste against the anchovies :)

  9. Really anchovies??? No Onions???? I can do the onions, but not the anchovy!

    Happy French Friday!

  10. When I read the recipe I thought there were LOTS of onions...I cooked only one and it covered a pizza. I like onions but this is not "have a little bread with your onions," but "have an onion topping on the dough"...right?

  11. I don't mind the anchovies mixed in because they do give such a great flavor, but I actually think I would have preferred the onions without the anchovies. I might try that. I like the dark color of your pissaladiere.

  12. Hi Gaarp, a simple explanation - I ran out of anchovies! But they are in there with the onions. I didn't even think of using a substitute.

    Kris - right. I should have used fewer onions perhaps.

  13. This is a lot of onions for someone who isn't fond of them. I think you're right about the dough - it will make a great flatbread base for anything you'd like to use as a topping.

  14. Aw... too bad this wasn't a favorite. At least it is a recipe we can tailor better to our taste. Your onions look perfectly sweet and delicious.

  15. Lovely looking pissaladiere! You are the first person I read that like anchovies! I am sure it is an acquired taste...but those little bones get me every time. I actually enjoyed the onion base..without the anchovies added. Have a nice weekend!

  16. It looks great with the olives lined up!

  17. I never use to like anchovies when I was younger but I now can't do without them, especially for pizza and when we order home delivery, I would add my own topping of it no matter what the flavour of the pizza.

  18. I would have enjoyed mine more if the onions were not
    burnt to a crisp. I actually love all those ingredients,
    and we use anchovies with red pepper, garlic and oil on spaghetti. Maybe we can try other ingredients and
    see if that helps.

  19. I love anchovies. Sorry this one wasn't to your taste. If you're not wild about onions, I can see why. This one was all about the onions. Hopefully your find a more appealing to try out on the base another time.

  20. After reading everyone's changes, I totally think this could work with a base of oil cured olive tappenade (seasoned with a few anchovies) and topped with anchovies (for the anchovy lovers) but no onions.

  21. It's too bad you don't love onions, because yours look perfect!

  22. Its funny but in all the posts I've read on this nobody has complained about the olives and they can sometimes be a polarizing taste. I'm not an olive fan but I loved them here. Something about all these flavors worked so nicely when combined for me here.

  23. I am like you and never even heard of this before ...and I was even in Nice just last month. Would not have mattered because I do not like anchovies :) I plan to play around with this and and other toppings as well - Dorie always provides us inspiration even if the recipe is not a hit.


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