Tuesday, April 5, 2011

TWD - Vanilla Ice Cream Tart

It is coming into winter here, and many of my fellow TWD bakers are living in places where it is snowing in spring.  However, being the troopers and ice cream connoisseurs that we are, for this week's Tuesday with Dorie,  we made Dorie's Coffee Ice Cream Tart, chosen by Jessica of Domestic Deep Thought.

This tart comprises a nutty pastry crust that is conveniently pressed into the pan rather than rolled, then is lined with chocolate and filled with coffee, chocolate or vanilla icecream that has been additionally flavoured with almond paste and almond extract, then finally decorated with abstract streaks of chocolate on top.

I used low fat vanilla icecream, and used the tines of a fork to drizzle the chocolate on top (as it was way too late at night to be making up a piping bag).

I made 2 x 5" tarts.  In fact, I only meant to make one, but I had so much dough left over that I thought it would be a crime to throw it all away.

As the other TWD members noted in the forum, this tart hardens so that it is very hard to cut, and when it softens up enough to cut, the icecream starts to melt.  It tastes OK, though I am not a huge fan of the almond flavour through the icecream, which was slightly medicinal (because I used almond essence).

This tart was OK taste-wise, and the beauty of it is that I have stashed the tarts away for another day, and they will be fine in the freezer for a couple of months.

Thanks to our host, Jessica, who will post the recipe.  To see what the other TWD members thought of this start, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


  1. It looks good even if it was just OK!!!

  2. I think your dessert looks great! Even though it wasn't your favorite, at least it's there on hand just in case!

  3. Your pie looks delicious! I wish I'd added the chocolate.

  4. Your tarts look great! Low-fat ice cream is a great variation-- might have to try that for a guilt-free treat. :) Thanks for baking with me even though this was just okay for you!

  5. Yum this looks absolutely delicious! You'd never guess that it was "Ok" taste wise. It looks delicious! Although, I'm not a fan of almond essence either so I guess I can relate. I find that it has such a fake/plastic flavour; which is such a shame because in theory almond essence would be so helpful and yummy. Anyway, great job!

  6. Ice cream is good year-round! That layer of chocolate on the crust looks really tempting.

  7. We have snow in Utah, but ice cream is good any season! I love having a treat stashed in the freezer.

  8. Hehe I know what you mean, all of these Summery treats are popping up on overseas blogs whereas we are headed towards the cold weather now! :)

  9. The tart looks delicious, but I don't think I could cope with an ice-cream one. My teeth can't take the cold.

  10. Your tart is gorgeous! I love the swirl of chocolate at the top! YUM!!!!!

  11. It still looks pretty good, even if it was hard to cut. I didn't make this week's recipe since I was gone, and it certainly isn't very spring-like in the Seattle area either!

  12. These are so cute. You even were great on the drizzling. I can't drizzle...it was painful and I made a real mess of it...so guess what...it became marbling!! lol

  13. Your tart turned out beautifully even if it wasn't your favorite.

  14. What a pretty tart! I can see it firmed up nicely, but I bet it was hard to cut with the crust hardened. On a really hot day though who cares if the ice cream is melting a bit?!


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