Tuesday, February 15, 2011

TWD - Chocolate Oatmeal Drops

Chocolate and oatmeal - hmmm, not natural bedfellows, but they tasted good together in this week's Tuesday with Dorie pick, Chocolate Oatmeal Drops, chosen by  Caroline and Claire of Bake With Us.

Chocolate Oatmeal Drops are, as Dorie herself states, more brownie-like than cookie-like, as they are quite dense, fudgy and chewy.  Their dark brown colour and deep chocolate flavour come from the combination of cocoa and melted chocolate, and the oats add texture.

These cookies were good - perhaps not what I would naturally gravitate to, but enjoyable all the same.

This recipe makes a lot of cookies - Dorie says 50, but I got 41.  Even though I managed to "lose" a few on the way to work (ahem), they lasted most of the day by force of numbers.

To get the recipe, visit Caroline and Claire (on Tuesday their time), or buy the book, Baking From My Home to Yours.  And to see what the other TWD members thought of these cookies, visit the TWD blogroll.


  1. Loved these! Loved that I didn't have to remember to take out the butter!

  2. I made something similar yesterday, without a recipe, as I had leftover caramelized chocolate with creamcheese, after making macarons and mine are also dense, fudgy and chewy. What saved them was the wonderful taste of the caramelized chocolate.

  3. fudgy cookies that taste like brownies sounds excellent to me

  4. So true, I don't often see chocolate and oatmeal together! :D these look great Cakelaw!

  5. I love oatmeal, but didn't get around to these. Your colleagues must absolutely love you!

  6. These look very good! I had a ton of cookies too! Mine didn't get very fat but that's OK they rocked!
    Yep the Reno trip was a last min. thing all right..well she bought me back a t shirt!!!

  7. Mmm, they look like they turned out perfect. Nice work!

  8. They look as delicious as we found them to be. I was hesitant about them but they turned out to be just right.

  9. They look wonderful! They're quickly disappearing here at my office, so I'd say that's a good sign! :)

  10. had the same feeling about them - these are good, and somehow interesting, but not the recipe i am going to do and re-do again and again!

  11. Great combination of oatmeal and chocolate...looks yummie!

  12. great job this week - despite your hesitations.

  13. I felt the same - they were good but I wouldnt make them all th time.

  14. I don't know if I'd make them again, but I am very glad to have tried them. Tasty little cookies.

  15. Your cookies look great! Thanks for the heads up about the cookie being more fudgy and chewy. I prefer my cookies chewy but not so much fudgy.

  16. I just love all of Dorie's cookies. I wouldn't pair chocolate and oats together either, but they look great.

    BTW, Black Pearl was the store that asked me what pearl sugar was. Scary!

  17. Yum! I'm sure that the oatmeal in these cookies must make them healthy. This means you can eat more, right?
    I am eagerly awaiting my copy of Dorie's French Table at the moent. I am getting very impatient with the post!

  18. I didn't make these but thinking I should have after seeing these. Yum!

  19. I wish mine were as thick as yours, but they were still chewy and tasty. I should have brought mine to work but didn't!

  20. Your cookies look fantastic! I didn't love these, but they were definitely worth a try.

  21. Yum. I've been craving some good cookies. These look great!

  22. Well, if you wouldn't 'naturally gravitate' towards these cookies, I know someone who will... ;)

    They sound (and look) great. And as a lover of all things chocolate, I'm going to have to give these a whirl.

  23. Mmm. Chocolate and oatmeal sounds pretty good to me!

  24. They remind me of the chocolate oatmeal no bake cookies I used to make quite a bit. I love chocolate so these look so good to me.

  25. Yours look delicious! Some of mine didn't photograph so well, I am glad that your looked so great. Thanks for baking along with us this week.


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