Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TWD - Midnight Crackles

Happy New Year! It's a new year for Tuesdays with Dorie as well, and to kick it off, the founder of TWD, Laurie of Slush, and Jules of Someone's in the Kitchen, selected Dorie's Midnight Crackles for us to bake.

These are deep, dark and chocolatey biscuits - a true chocolate lover's delight. They are made with melted chocolate, not cocoa, which ups the ante for the chocolate lover. My biscuits were crisp on the outside and soft in the middle - I am not sure whether this is how they were supposed to be, but I was happy with the result.

These biscuits were so good that I packaged up as many as possible into a pretty box (decorated by moi), tied the box with a ribbon, and gave it to our lovely Pilates night receptionist, Tiffany, who is leaving for the Gold Coast. We will miss you Tiff!

Dorie suggests that these biscuits can also be spiced up with some ground ginger or candied ginger - this would be worth a try next time, as chocolate coated ginger is one of my favourite things. (Santa knows this and duly left me a box of it under the tree this Christmas - thank you Santa!

To see what the other TWD members thought of these biscuits, visit the TWD blogroll. If you would like the recipe, visit Jules (website above), or buy Dorie's sensational book, Baking From My Home to Yours.


  1. Yummm, chocolate. These look delicious!!

  2. What a lovely gift! It sounds like these turned out great for you.

  3. The cookies look delicious!

  4. I made these last week, not knowing that the TWD group was making them this week. Yours look great!

  5. What a great gift these make.

    I'll be posting mine tomorrow.

    They are great!

  6. What a beautiful box! I bet Tiffany was thrilled, especially after she tasted these yummy chocolate cookies. I played with the spices on mine but they were still great.

  7. These look so good! I wish I had thought of making these as a gift, but I think we're all cookied out! I know I would like these, but I just couldn't get it done this week. I did work on my DB challenge today, but mostly I am watching the world junior hockey championships.

  8. They look wonderful and I'd love to get them as a gift! So thoughtful of you. :)

  9. These look great and I like how they use real chocolate instead of cocoa! :)

  10. these look delicious - but why midnight cookies - maybe because they look dark as midnight - ginger isn't my favourite flavour but I have crystallised ginger to use up so cookies is a great idea!

  11. Ooooh, I love the idea of adding ginger! Thank you so much for baking along with us!

  12. These cookies would definitely make a good gift. We liked the fudgey texture.

  13. Mary, you are way more ambitious than me - I only printed off DB today, and it scares me with my dodgy oven.

  14. Cute box! I'm sure she enjoyed these!

  15. You can wrap all my gifts. That is one beautiful box.

    Perfect frame for the delicious cookies.

  16. They look great! I bet they made a really lovely gift as well. :)

  17. Yum! Happy New Year!!

  18. I would love to get these as a gift anytime! Im glad you enjoyed, we did too!

  19. looking good! happy 2011 and looking fwd to much baking ahead :)

  20. Happy Anniversary Fellow TWDer! I love ginger too and look forward to trying that variation.

  21. These are good cookies. And very chocolately.

    Hope you are not affected by all the flooding in Aus.

  22. What a lovely gift, I know I would be thrilled to receive some of these wonderful cookies. I love the box they're in.

  23. Your cookies look great. I swear, you send the best packages...who would not love to receive something in a nice box all done up with a pretty bow...Here's my address....just kidding, but seriously, you send lovely packages of baked goods!

  24. I'd like to try these spiced up even more. Happy New Year!

  25. I can see just from the colour how chocolatey these are - yum!


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