Tuesday, October 26, 2010

TWD - All-American, All-Delicious Apple Pie

Some things are always comforting - a familiar song, an old movie, a teddy bear, your mother's voice, and certain foods. Apple pie is one of those comforting foods that can make things feel right, even if just for a moment.

This week's Tuesday with Dorie challenge is to make Dorie's All-American, All-Delicious Apple Pie, and was chosen by Emily of Sandmuffin. This is indeed a comforting apple pie, with its deep-dish crust and generous, juicy apple filling.

My pie might look like an unmade bed:

but I can tell you that it tasted fantastic. Another slice please ...

To check out how the other TWD bakers went with this pie, visit the TWD blogroll.


  1. That looks super crusty... and the crust is my favorite part!

  2. I love apple pie! Yours looks great :)

  3. Emily's been having the sick bug at her house this week and this morning her husband took off with her car keys by mistake so she was stuck at home the whole day...I think we should all send our comforting apple pies to her...LOL. Sure, right, she chose well, not sure anyone will want to part with their apple pie. Yours looks so good...I made this twice because the first time they ate it so fast I did not get photos. Oh, gee what a sacrifice, two apple pies in a week!!

  4. My pie is just out of the oven and looks like an unmade bed too! Looks delicious :-)

  5. Kayte, oh no! Thanks for telling me - I shall have to send her best wishes for a better day tomorrow.

  6. Ah well, you know what they say. Looks aren't everything!!

  7. An unmade bed--what a perfect description! I guess mine was more like a balloon--round, and full of hot air. You're right though, apple pie does taste fantastic.

  8. I think the crust is supposed to be sort of rumply looking. It still tastes wonderful, and improves with age.

  9. Mine was lumpy too. It looks delicious!!

  10. I think I may have to steal that "unmade bed" description. ;o) The pie looks great and it was so good, wasn't it?

  11. I'm wishing I had a slice of your fabulous apple pie tonight.

  12. Fabulous Apple pie!! Looks delicious.

  13. Apple pie is comforting! Im glad you enjoyed it!

  14. Fun description of your crust! :) Glad it turned out so well!

  15. Unmade beds are comforting just like this pie. Looks just fine to me.

  16. thanks for baking along with me! I agree, there is nothing more comforting than good old fashioned apple pie!

  17. Perhaps looks like an unmade bed (this is a brilliant description by the way) but is as comforting as a freshly made one. Looks great.

    I really should start making my bed in the morning, I'm just so lazy..

  18. I love how the crust molds itself over the apples. Your pie looks great with just the right shade of baked crust.

  19. What a great description for the pie! I couldn't get a slice photo, mine was so sloppy.

  20. Mine didn't look too good, either, but it was fantastic and my husband loved it.

  21. You crack me up. I just see apple lumps. Mine looked great until it "fell" I know in my old age.... that you can't judge a book by its cover. hehe I think its just what apple pies do.


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