Tuesday, August 24, 2010

TWD - Crunchy and custardy peach tart

On this morning's weather report, the weather reporter was presenting live from Seaworld in San Diego. It was 1.30pm on Monday afternoon there, the sun was shining brightly, and everyone was dressed in their casual summer clothes. In that instant, I really, really wanted to trade places with the weather reporter, or in fact anyone who was there, because it looked like my idea of heaven. Sadly, I turned off the TV, hauled on my bulky winter coat and hat, and trudged out the door to the train on my way to work.

Peaches are summer incarnate - sunny, bright and sweet. This week's Tuesday with Dorie challenge, hosted by Rachel of Sweet Tarte, brought a little summer into my wintery Melbourne kitchen by virtue of Dorie's Crunchy and Custardy Peach Tart. Because peaches are wise enough to hibernate for the winter, there were no fresh peaches to be had, but I could still make this tart using canned peaches that I drained and patted dry. (Refrain - Peaches come from a can, They were put there by a man ...)

Other than the tinned peaches, I made this recipe as written - and it was devine! Dorie's superb sweet tart dough encases sliced peaches, which are then swathed in a delicate, creamy custard, and topped with a contrasting, crunchy almond streusel topping. OMG. This one I had to take to work to ensure that I could continue to fit all of my clothes, because frankly, left alone with this tart, it would be gone in a flash. If you think it looks good - you are soooooooooooooo right.

Thanks to Rachel for choosing this week's recipe (which will be on her site when it is Tuesday NYC time). To see how the other TWD members went with this tart, visit the
TWD blogroll.


  1. This really does look enticing - buttery and crunchy top with what sounds like a lovely custard underneath and then more buttery goodness in a light crisp pastry. Peaches would be both a great flavour and a great foil to the buttery richness of the rest of the dish. I can see why you liked this one - and that's without tasting it!

  2. It looks really delicious! You're making me sorry that I skipped this one. Sorry to hear about the cold weather, but we are jealous of you when we're freezing in January!

  3. I used peaches from a can as well and loved it, even though I am not a big peach fan!

  4. This is one stunning pie. I had my piece and locked myself in the bedroom so I won't take any more.

    A pie is much harder to give away then cookies or a plain cake. Drat.

  5. Looks great! Thanks for baking with me this week! (And er, I'm keeping how much of this I ate a secret--you're right--it's dangerous!)

  6. Your tart looks lovely and delicious. Hope you enjoyed it!

  7. How delicious! I know, I wish Summer was here too! *sigh* But not long right? Or so they keep telling me!

  8. How did you get such a full and fluffy looking filling? Mine is sunken. But I'm still nibbling at it. I really should give more away.

  9. I used tinned peaches too, but not because they weren't in season.

    Because I was plain old lazy.

  10. Poor you with your winter coat! At least this tart brought a ray of summer sunshine into your kitchen!

  11. Your tart looks delicious! I am glad to know it works just as well with the canned peaches! :)

  12. Is this tart not the best ever? Especially with the crunchy strudel topping. Your tart looks heavenly! I feel bad you had to pull on a heavy coat and trudge off to work.

  13. Good to kow it was good with canned peaches. Looks really tasty.

  14. Ciao ! I love your tart I was grateful too that my guests ate it !! We are so hot here I would trade places with you !!!! Why don't you come visit ?

  15. So pretty! It's like a plate full of summer sunshine :-)

  16. I loved this recipe too! It was divine. Glad yours turned out so yummy.

  17. What a delicious looking tart! I'm loving the added crunchiness...yum!

  18. yes, so good! i'm really a fan of any tart in that yummy sweet dough!

  19. The tart looks fabulous! This was a good one, wasn't it? It's funny, I love when people select seasonal treats, but it doesn't work so well when you're in Australia rather than the U.S.

  20. Your tart looks absolutely stunning.

    Sending you thoughts of warmth of sunshine from my little corner of the world.:)


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