Monday, July 26, 2010

Masterchef over for another year

Masterchef Australia is over for another year, and I am very pleased with the result. Sorry to my NZ readers who found out the result via my previous post - I had no idea that it had just started screening over there. To those watching the series in Aotearoa, I hope you enjoy the series!!!


  1. Masterchef 2010, a great result from two top contestants but it was nerve-wracking viewing. I had tears in my eyes by the end of the show.

  2. i sympathise! Lucky for us in the UK Celebrity Masterchef has just started!

  3. I too am pleased with the results. It was a great watch, although I'll be glad to get 6 or more hours back a week... perhaps I should try get to bed earlier..

  4. Hi Miss High Heels, I was gutted that I was in transit for all except the last 20 minutes or so - but at least I got to see the result! I spent the evening wondering what the heck a snow egg was!

    Hi Cruasader, wish we got your version (other than on cable) - I think I am suffering withdrawal symptoms.

    LOL Anita - yes, what will we do with all that free time!


Thanks for dropping by!