Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TWD - White Chocolate Brownies

This week's pick for Tuesday with Dorie comes from Marthe of Culinary Delights, who chose Dorie's White Chocolate Brownies (which were apparently long awaited by some TWD members).

From the TWD forum, I knew that these would be difficult to set in the centre - and so it proved to be. The meringue on top makes it impossible to see whether the centre of the brownies is cooked, and sadly, mine were definitely not cooked through.

I had to use an 8" springform pan for my brownies:

As it is winter, fresh raspberries are not an option, so I used dried rascherries (which tasted like glace cherries to me, only a whole lot more expensive).

I baked them at 180 degrees in a fan forced oven (ie equivalent to 200 degrees Celsius in an ordinary oven) for 45 minutes. Alas, despite this, my brownies were still not cooked in the centre, and oozed out everywhere when I tried to slice them the next morning.

Some brownies were salvagable, however, so I got to taste them and distribute some to my friends. I found them a little too sweet for my liking, but the recipients loved them, so it is a matter of personal taste.

I probably won't make these again, as they are very expensive to make, and are too sweet for me.

To check out the recipe, buy Dorie's book or visit Marthe's site, and to check out what the other TWD members thought, visit the TWD blogroll.


  1. Dried rascherries? Have never heared of them! Thank you for baking with me this week even if it was a challeng!

  2. Huh, I've never seen dried raspberries - they sound interesting! Sorry you had trouble with the brownies (I had the same issues...)

  3. Damn, double disappointing when you feel ripped off as well as foodily unsatisfied. Really interesting brownie recipe though - I wonder if you could try it with less sugar and cheaper fruit?

  4. Oh what a shame Cakelaw! :( Yes a meringue topping would make it very hard to tell when something is done. How disappointing!

  5. Aren't these supposed to be called blondies? Never heard of the rascherries either. They sound very interesting.

  6. Ciao ! I still haven't made them I'll put less sugar ! Sorry it didn't work !

  7. I have to agree that they were too sweet. Well, sorry about the oozing with the brownies. Glad that your recipients appreciated it though.

  8. Rascherries? Never heard of them but they sound yummy.

    Kinda sweet for me too. The springform pan is a good idea.

  9. The more I read, the more I am glad, I left out the meringue.

    It seems, many had problems with undercooking so your are a face in the crowd.

    I am off to read about your orange cake.

  10. Sorry about this Cakelaw, I think will be nice, huggs, gloria

    But dont worry you always make very delicious things! xxx

  11. As one allergic to chocolate, this delights me! A brownie I can eat!

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  13. Rascherries? Sound delicious! This really seems to be one of the more troublesome recipes in "Baking," usually the baking time is pretty accurate. Glad you were able to salvage some of the brownies.

  14. Sorry you had that gooey centre problem. At least you got a taste.

  15. So sorry they didn't cook all the way through. They look very dramatic in the springform pan!

  16. Well, yours look good. Mine were soggy in the middle, fell apart from pan to plate, and the meringue caved in, but I have teen boys and they will eat anything, so believe me, these were gone in no time and declared "good enough." LOL. I don't know if I will try them again with everyone's tips or not...maybe.

  17. It sounds like the brownies were a flop for a lot of TWDers...to bad.I hate it when you spend all that cash on the ingred. to have them turn out bad.

  18. It looks pretty, but too bad you had so much trouble. I wonder why these took so long to bake.


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