Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TWD - Dulce de Leche Duos

This week's Tuesday with Dorie is hosted by Jodie of Beansy Loves Cake, who chose Dorie's Dulce de Leche Duos.

Dulce de Leche Duos are soft, cakey biscuits containing dulce de leche in the batter, and sandwiched together with more dulce de leche. What's not to love? In Australia, ready made dulce de leche is sold in the supermarkets as the far less exotically named Caramel Top'n'Fill:

Not quite the same ring to it, but definitely the same stuff. My favourite use for Caramel Top'n'Fill is to eat it straight from the can, and this recipe obligingly left me enough caramel in the tin to do just that.

These biscuits are easy to make, although they tend to bake into some odd shapes and sizes. They taste very good, and I'd make them again if it took my fancy.

Thanks to Jodie for hosting us this week. If you'd like some other views on these cookies, visit the
TWD blogroll.


  1. Cake Law this look yummy, I love all with Dulce de Leche, I love it! gloria

  2. How lucky you are to have the premade dulce de leche - we can sometimes find it in the Latin American food section of our supermarket (which is very tiny), but not always. I would say your cookies look beautiful, but I think we all agree these are not cookies of beauty, but rather of excellent taste! They do look delicious.

  3. These were good. I have to admit, though, that I like them without the filling even more.

  4. I enjoyed these cookies but I think I over ate some of the dulce de leche. So sweet, but still pretty darned tasty!

  5. They look great! I made my own dulce de leche because I thought I'd have to go to a specialty store to find it. I don't think Nestle makes anything like that in the US. I guess that's OK though, because I'd be eating it straight out of the can too!

  6. Hello Cakelaw! Your cookies look great! I really like this recipe.

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment!
    Kindly. ldh

  7. These are quite addictive - I made mine this morning but haven't got around to posting it. Your cookies look delectable! Thanks for sharing.

  8. I had a blast trying to match up the cookies so they would look like they were made for each other. Which they were, but it just didn't look that way. I think yours look great, and I love the Top n' Fill out of a can.

  9. Wait, what?

    You mean I've been stupidly boiling my cans myself, when I could get it ready made? I thought that stuff was just cheap and nasty caramel icing type stuff!

    *runs off to Coles immediately*

  10. DDL Duos. Yum! I used this ready made once but too sweet for my taste. Prefer to boil the condensed milk.

  11. what a neat product - i don't think we can buy cans of that here in Canada. I love grocery shopping in different places because you see some neat things that your own neighborhood mightnot have, like this top n fill!

  12. Hehe yes the cook's treat! Got to love a recipe that gives an extra little bonus :D

  13. I love the name! haha! Your cookies look awesome!

  14. I never realised caramel top'n'fill was dulce de leche! good to know!

  15. Glad you liked these, and I love the name of the Nestle product. Who would ever guess that Top'n'Fill was dulce de leche?

  16. Ciao ! Great cookies and great beach !!!

  17. I think my favorite way would be to eat that straight from the can. I admire your restraint for having enough for the cookies!!!!

    Your duos look delicious!!!!

  18. They turned out fabulous! I had to do a rewind this week, didn't have the ingredients. Still want to make them though!

  19. We like these cookies too, but without the filling.

  20. Yes, these were quite the tasty morsel. Love making my own DDL. And it IS good from the can.

    Odd shapes or not, the cookies look delish.

  21. The cookies look yummy! I confess to having more than my share of of spoonfuls of DDL straight from the jar.


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