Tuesday, September 29, 2009

TWD - Chocolate-Crunched Caramel Tart

This week's Tuesday with Dorie is hosted by Carla of Chocolate Moosey, who has chosen Dorie's Chocolate-Crunched Caramel Tart. Effectively, this is a pate sable tart shell topped with a thin layer of caramel studded with honey-roasted peanuts, then topped with a thick layer of chocolate ganache.

This was a bit of a failed project for me, as the chocolate ganache didn't set up too well - it thickened, and at day 3, was almost firm, but prior to that, it tended to ooze like chocolate lava over the edge of any cuts that I made. This made it rather messy to eat (although delicious in a very rich sort of way).
This explains the photo at the top of this post - you can't see the caramel because it is blanketed by ganache.

I loved the caramel layer studded with the nuts, and would try this again; however, I would use a different ganache recipe (as this is the first time I have had such a problem with ganache) or a different topping altogether.

To see how all the other TWD bakers went, check out the
TWD blogroll. Carla will have the recipe, if this tart takes your fancy.


  1. Cakelaw, I was sure this would happen to my ganache, so I put the pie in the freezer and it held together for the photo. then the caramel started to ooze. It's always something!
    But you said it was delicious and that's the most important point. Well done!

  2. Aww too bad it didnt turn out right for you...

  3. Sorry this one didn't work out for you. I had ganache issues as well. Glad you enjoyed the taste though!

  4. I did scale back my tart recipe, but i scaled it down as if leaving out the additional 2tbsp of cream. I would never make ganache with a greater amount of cream to chocolate as I think it would be too sauce like. Your tart still looks delicious!

  5. It looks delicious! I had ganache difficulty also, but at least it tasted good.

  6. ohh. that looks amazing! i love caramel!

  7. Too bad it didn't work out for you...It looks yummy.

  8. Even though it didn't work out, I'm sure it still tasted great :)

  9. I don't mind ganache oozing out, i love it like that, so it is still a success one.

  10. What a shame about the ganache as it sounds lovely! I bet it still tasted great too :)

  11. Sorry the ganache didn't set for you. Looks fabulous! I liked this, but it's so rich. I can't believe I am saying this, but I think it's too much ganache for me!

  12. Well, it doesn't matter if it did turn out as you expected. I am sure it tasted great. I made a chocolate cake today and had a problem with the ganache, which I managed to salvage the last minute.

  13. I had ganache problems as well.

    I am using the extra to make hot chocolate with.

  14. It looks fantastic even with oozey ganache. Yummy.

  15. Messy or not, I bet it tasted fantastic!

  16. I'm sorry about the ganache ! The tart flavour was good though !

  17. Looks divine! Can't go wrong with oozing caramel!

  18. Sorry about your ganache, but oozey ganache is not a bad thing :). Tart sounds delicious!

  19. Mine did not set completely either...I wouldn't know about Day 3 as it was gone early in Day 2...LOL. Yours looks oozy and good though and you would have had no trouble with finding one of the guys here to help you out with eating it...and they would never call it a failure!

  20. Looks yummy! Sorry the ganache didn't work out for you, I left out about half the butter and mine was nice.

  21. Thanks Duckie - I knowo you are allergic to chocolate, so we shouldn't tease you like this.

    LOL Clivia - I wish I had thought of the freezer trick. Over a couple of days or so the ganache firmed up more, but it was fine as is - just messy!

    Hi Nichi, I think perhaps less butter might be the trick - next time!

    Hi Susan - it was great, just like a Snickers or a Picnic.

    Thanks Tammy - another tip for next time.

    Hi Jill - I figure that that's all that really counts.

    Hi Heather, this is an amazing tart - you should see the other TWDers efforts - makes me want it all over again.

    Hi Wendy - it was ;)

    Hi Anita - absolutely - 'twas delicious.

    Thanks Happy Cook :)

    Hi Lorraine, it tasted dangerously good, so I gave as much as possible away.

    Thanks Amanda. I agree, it was very rich - a small slice was very satisfying.

    Hi Adele, if you like Snickers, you'll love this.

    Hi Ivy, agreed - the taste is what matters. I dind't have the patience to do anything about it - I was also baking a cheesecake for some friends who were coming to lunch next day and had to move on.

    Yum Tania, what a great idea!!

    Hi Kim, it's hard to go past ganache in any form.

    Hi Palidor, oh yes, it was!

    Agreed Natalia.

    LOL Jennifer - agreed.

    Thanks Veronica.

    LOL Kayte - I need to borrow those boys - I am a single person household and find myself drowning in these baked goods.

    Hi Margot, maybe I should try that next time.

  22. A couple of other TWD's had trouble with their ganache also. Mine set up okay, but hubby keeps the house cold so maybe that helped. :)

  23. Oh, sorry your ganache didn't set up. I think mixing the ganache and the caramel would make a great pie, so maybe you are just a step ahead of us.

    I made minis because only 2 of us really eat sweets, but they came out fine. Still have 1/2 one left. Lunch??

    Thanks for coming by for a visit.

  24. Sorry to hear you had ganache problems! It looks like it tasted good anyway! I thought I would have trouble with mine setting because I wasn't reading directions properly and melted my chocolate before I added the cream! oops! It took a little longer but came together.


Thanks for dropping by!