Monday, September 21, 2009

Blogger Gift Exchange

Marthe of Culinary Delights recently organised a blogger gift exchange to celebrate her first blogoversary, and my parcel arrived today! My "secret Santa" is Natalia of Gatti Fili E Farina from Italy.

Natalia sent me the lovely hand-made notebook with the applique tulip flower at the top of this post, and the sweetest, tiniest fold-out book of pictures of famous Roman landmarks, pictured beneath.

Thanks so much Natalia - what a lovely surprise! Also, thanks to Marthe for organising this exchange.


  1. What a wonderful way to celebrate a blogoversary!!!!!

    What a lovely gift Natalia sent you!!!!

  2. What a great way to celebrate a blogoversary and Natalia's gift is so pretty.

  3. I'm really glad all arrived all the way to your house, we don't trust italian mail so much !!! Baci !!

  4. What gorgeous gifts you got! Greta idea to celebrate a blogsoversary. I wish I had known about it when I celebrated mine!

  5. @ Jennifer - yes, Marthe had a great idea.

    @ Ivy - I am a lucky girl!

    @ Natalia - LOL, it made its way safely here, and I love both gifts! Thanks so much.

    @ Lorraine - yes, it was a great idea - I would never have thought of it.


Thanks for dropping by!