Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cherry crumb cake - er, Trifle

I love cherries - they would have to be one of my favourite fruits. Being a cherry lover, I had eyed up a lovely Rainier cherry crumb cake on Peabody's site for a while, and I finally obtained a large quantity of cherries at an affordable price so that I could make it.

However, life does not always go to plan, and this is what became of my beloved cherry crumb cake:

Yep, I dropped it when I tried to turn it out of the tin to cool. It happened because the edge of the tin hit my arm, and in my eagerness not to be burned by the tin, the cake became the casualty. Accordingly, my crumb cake became cake crumbs.

However, they say if life gives you lemons, make lemonade - so I did. I was going to a friend's house to enjoy the Brisbane Ekka holiday, so I turned the cake crumbs into trifle, wetting it with orange juice (so it was child friendly in a way that booze is not), then layering it with jelly, custard and whipped cream:

I ended up with the very handsome trifle at the top of the post. One of my friend's children adored it and came back for seconds; the other wouldn't touch it with a 40 foot pole. Oh well, the adults enjoyed it.

If you are on the smart money, make Peabody's delicious cake; however, if you have an accident, or just have some cake that you want to use up, the trifle is a lovely alternative.


  1. Oh no! I'm glad you were able to save it. It sounds even better as a trifle!

  2. :D This after Dorie? Do you eat dessert for lunch?

  3. Thanks Jill :)

    LOL A&N - it seems that way, doesn't it.

  4. Good thinking! I probably would have been so mad at myself that I'd eat the whole thing on my own haha!

  5. I would just love to take a big spoon into that trifle!

  6. Great save. Good for you. It looks good as a trifle.

  7. yum, that trifle looks fab! where did you find the cherries? it's funny i don't know anyone who actually went to the ekka this year, we went to the movies.

  8. Aww you poor thing but really that is the perfect save for it! It looks like it was meant to be a trifle all along :)

  9. Oh, a cherry crumb cake sounds divine and it looks delicious as a trifle - happy accident, I say!

  10. I think it sounds almost better as trifle... swimming in whipped cream. Yum!

    Sorry about the mishap.

  11. I love triffle Cakelwa and this look so yummy!! really, gloria

  12. I have a trifle thing and I've never used it. Hmmm....

  13. Oh no C.L. what a shame, however your trifle looks amazing and 'm sure makes up for the accident.

  14. Way to turn it around! It looks yummy.

  15. Nice save! It looks like a delicious trifle. :)

  16. trifle is delicious - i have done the same thing before with a lemon cake that didnt come out of its mould propery. waste not want not!

  17. Hey Bren, I think just scoffing the lot is a great idea - and almost what I was going to do (although not all at once).

    LOL Veron - a big virtual spoon for you!

    Thanks Margie - I was initially devastated - all those lovely cherries ...

    Hi Susan, Woolies has cherries at $10 a kilo for a couple of weeks - they are now back up to $15.

    Thanks Lorraine - that is what I should have told everyone ;)

    LOL - thanks Margot.

    Hi Jacque, I think it is certainly pretty as a trifle.

    Thanks Gloria.

    Hi Duckie, this could be your chance ...

    Thanks Rosie :)

    Hi Wendy, thanks!

    Hi Adele, it was yummy - I think a dash of sherry would have bene great, but I couldn't because the children also needed to eat it.

    Absolutely Tammy!

  18. It looks like a fabulous triffle! Nice save!

  19. Your cherry trifle looks great. I can't wait for cherry season. Good save!


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