Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pecan honey sticky buns

We'll build a world of our own
That no-one else can share
The Seekers, A World of Our Own

Don't you love sleeping in on the weekends, then waking up to the smell of freshly baked bread? Sticky buns remind me of Sunday mornings, sleeping in, then waking up pretending that the world doesn't exist while you continue to snuggle up under the covers and just be.

Accordingly, I was instantly attracted by Dorie's pecan honey sticky buns, although they are not really the kind of breakfast treat you can just decide on a whim to make. No - they require hours and hours of rising time, although you can make the dough the day before and rise the next day to bake these deliciously gooey, nutty, caramel covered treats.

I cheated on the risings, having fewer than suggested and cutting down on time by placing the dough in an oven that was just barely on (~30 degrees Celsius). However, these buns were so worth it - sticky and finger-lickingly delicious.

I think that I am one of the last baking bloggers on the planet to make these, so you can find the recipe all over the place, including
here at Cathy's blog.

Despite the effort, these are so worth it - go on, I know you want to make 'em.


  1. I would love to wake up to the smell of these sticky buns! They look so decadent, I just want to pull one apart and devour - oh my *slurp* :09

  2. You'll be happy to know you're not last, I am! But seeing (again) how amazing they look, I need to move them up the to-do list!

  3. Hi Rosie, I am hoping that I can persuade someone else to make them for me so that I can sleep in until they're ready - then they would be perfect!

    LOl leslie - I have had them on the "to do" list forever, before TWD started and since I first bought Dorie's book. It only took me just over 2 years to get there.

  4. Oh my...I'd love to wake up to these if someone could make these for me! They look so amazing!

  5. These were good, weren't they? YUM.


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