Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sue's Birthday - Lemon Blueberry Cake

It was Sue's birthday last Saturday, and her first day back from maternity leave on Monday. To celebrate, I decided to make her a cake that I have been eyeing up for some time, the Marbled Lemon Blueberry Cake from Sky High - Irresistable Triple-Layer Cakes by Alisa Huntsman and Peter Wynne.

You are meant to start this cake off by making blueberry jam; however, I didn't have any blueberries, and instead substituted some quality bought blackberry and apple jam.

You make the cake in three separate layers (no tricky cutting!), and colour part of the batter with the jam, which is then swirled through each layer for the marbling:

You then "glue" the cooled layers together with jam:

before making a lemon buttercream (which I had to start twice, because the first time I ended up with toffee in my mixing bowl due to overheating the sugar syrup):

and cover the whole cake with the buttercream. I then decorated mine with rolled fondant daisies with piped buttercream centres.

You can find the recipe for this cake in the book, or online
here at Leite's Culinaria.

What can I say - this cake is yummy, so if you have the 9 eggs needed to make it, go for it!


  1. What a pretty and delicious looking cake! I wish I had a reason to make it!

  2. You really get a big piece when it's three layers!! I am am droooooling!

  3. Strawberry jam and buttercream?

    You know, my birthday is next week (cough)....

  4. Oooh. What a light, lovely spring cake!

  5. your daisies are most impressive!

  6. What a fab looking cake. Not good for my healthy eating outlook at the moment tho lol

  7. Wow, very impressive cake there! :D I find buttercream on the sides so hard to do so great work on that and I like the daisies too, did you make those too? I've been looking for a nice daisy cutter but not sure which one to buy.

  8. Thanks Happy Cook :)

    Hi Mary , thanks - I have wanted to make it for a while, so was glad to have a reason to do so.

    Hi Ivy, a slice winging your way ;)

    LOL Blonde Duck - happy birthday for next week!

    Thanks Adele.

    Hi Tammy, thanks - sad that I needed to learn how to make these in class.

    LOL Deb - I know what you mean!

    Hi Lorraine, buttercream on the sides is a nightmare - I am getting better, but still can't make it perfectly smooth. I did make the flowers - I cut out the daisies and let them set in patty pans to get the curve.

  9. Hi Cakelaw, this is a lovely book with lots of stunning cakes to bake.

    Your cake came out beautiful and I adore those flower decorations - looks delicious!

    Rosie x


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