Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cranberry Lemon Cake with Passionfruit Glaze

I confess - I am a recipe addict! I have a stash of recipes that I have printed off, eager to make, but despite my best intentions, the pile just grows, and most of them don't ever see the light of day. We won't mention my ever-growing cookbook library, or the 4 food magazines that I subscribe to - details, details! If I didn't have to work to feed this addicition ('cause books and ingredients cost money), and I actually had a use for lots of food, I could quite happily stay home all day every day and browse recipes, cook and blog. Alas, this is not meant to be, but it saves me from being too large to leave the house.

In my burgeoning recipe stash, I have had a recipe for Cranberry Lemon Cupcakes from Natashya of Living in the Kitchen with Puppies for quite a while. I also had some leftover dried cranberries and a bowl of lemons from Patsy, so this recipe seemed made for me at that moment. However, this creation was going to be an after work job when I couldn't be bothered doing much late at night - so instead of making Natashya's elegant individual cupcakes, I made the recipe as one very large round cake, and iced it with very un-fancy passionfruit glaze. Although the end result is not as eye-catching as Natashya's cupcakes, it tasted great, and the troops polished it off quickly - which is a good sign indeed.

If you like fruity flavours in your cake, and can appreciate the lovely contrast of red jewelled cranberries against a pretty lemon backdrop, you will love these cupcakes - ahem, this cake.


  1. Lol! That sounds like something I would do. Besides, you can eat much bigger pieces of cake that way! ;)

    I love fruity cakes and lemon is my favorite. I will be bookmarking this one. It looks great!

  2. dear cakelaw I would love being part of the troups ! I dont find passionfruit so easily but the rest can be done. I'm already smelling the lemon !

  3. Cake, do you know any foodie who suffers from anorexia nervosa (lol)? It seems that we are all addicted to food and everyday I add to my list to do recipes. Yesterday I published a recipe I saw from your site a few weeks back and this cake has also been bookmarked.

  4. Susan, I agree!

    Thanks Natalia - you may be able to buy tinned passionfruit, which works just as well, if you were keen. Or you could use Natashya's original lemon icing - it's all good.

    LOL Ivy - true.

  5. OH my. I'd gladly eat this until I became too large to leave the house. This sounds like a lovely fruit-studded cake. I love cranberries! It's so gorgeously presented too.

  6. Mmmmm..
    I don't see much passionfruit here in Ontario, it sounds heavenly!
    I am with you on the cookbook/food mag addiction. I am an unrepentant collector. :)

  7. dear cakelaw
    this cranberry lemon cake with passiion fruit glaze, though you say it not that great looking appears quite good to me and i know the taste must have been very nice.Like your self, i too have a large collection of the books on recipes etc and it keeps on growing but nevertheless, one day all will come alive, isnt it !

  8. If this tastes as good as it sounds I am going to be a very happy man.

  9. The entire first paragraph sums up me up to a T. Sad or just plain scary? I've bookmarked this recipe (Cranberries! Lemons!) but have no idea how I could possibly catch up with my bookmarks :(

  10. Recipe addict? Tell me about it!

    I loved the passion fruit glaze. Thats new to me.

  11. Now that sounds like a delightful and summery mix of flavours. Great job Cakelaw, it looks fabulous!

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