Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Blog Party #36 - Bloggers Choice - Orange Hazelnut and Sultana Buns with Pimms & Lemonade

Stephanie of Dispensing Happiness has chosen "Bloggers Choice" for the the theme of this month's Blog Party, which celebrates its third birthday this month. The rules are simple - bring finger food and a drink of your choice to the party by the closing date.

I have brought along Orange, Hazelnut and Sultana Buns, based on a recipe from Candice of Mmm Tasty for
Orange Date Walnut Buns. The only changes that I made were substituting the walnuts for hazelnuts and the dates for sultanas. Here are the buns prior to being drizzled with orange glaze:

These buns were quite tasty, and struck my fancy because they are made with cottage cheese. They rely on baking powder for the rising agent, and I found them heavier than your typical yeast-rising buns. If I made them again, I might try yeast as the rising agent, and I would definitely glaze the buns with egg wash before baking to make them more aesthetically appealing.

To go with my buns, I have brought along my favourite alcoholic drink - Pimms and Lemonade, complete with chopped strawberries:

For intellectual property fans, the recipe for Pimms is a trade secret, like Coca Cola. It is a mixer that is usually combined with lemonade, and the British, who make Pimms, often serve it in huge jugs in the summer with plenty of ice and fruit - and sometimes cucumber! Pimms is drunk by the discerning crowd goers at the Wimbledon British Open to go with their strawberries and icecream.

Happy birthday Blog Party and thanks and congratulations to Stephanie, who created and hosts this event.


  1. thats a cool creation! Oranges and hazelnus....and the Sultana buns look decadent amidst these :)

  2. Ooooh, your orange, hazelnut, and sultana buns are absolutely gorgeous! I love how you used the hazelnuts - such an unusual and scrumptious addition!

    Seeing Pimms and Lemonade in your blog title absolutely made my day - I A-d-o-r-e Pimms and Lemonade - cucumbers and all! :-)

  3. wow! this sounds good! i've never made buns before...i'll just go over and gobble down yours hehe

  4. What a surprise. I totally forgot about Pimms. We used to drink it in Cyprus but it's been such a long time that I totally forgot about it. Your buns sound great although I am not that fan of hazelnuts I might give it a try when the weather cools down a little but shall try it with yeast.

  5. Well your buns look lovely. (hee hee hee you can take that however you like!) I've always been curious about Pimms. Someday I'd like to try it.

  6. Hi! I'm glad my Orange-Date-Walnut buns could inspire you. Hazelnuts sound like a tasty change to me!

    About the dough: I'm not sure if you clicked through to the original Cinnamon Buns post, but the idea is to be able to create the buns on short notice - no rising of yeast do needed! That said, I agree with you that a yeast-based dough has a lighter texture.


  7. Thanks Candice, I hadn't read the earlier post,but that sounds like a great reason for using baking powder as the rising agent - yeast rising takes time, and sometimes, the yeast just doesn't want to do it's job. Thanks for the recipe - I (and my colleagues) enjoyed these a lot.

  8. i love the buns you yummy!

  9. I was going to say "nice buns" but I realized that didn't sound very proper! They look do look delicious and I love a good Pimm's Cup too. Nice to get to hang out at the Blog Party!

  10. LOL, Hazelnuts seem to be the ingredient of the month as of late! ;-) I definitely like your use of them in this recipe!! And now I must finally try Pimms. Everything sounds grand, glad I made to the Blog Party to get such great ideas.

  11. Lovely buns-ooh and I love Pimm's cup too! Nice to see you at block party!

  12. Well, obviously the cottage cheese, fruit and nuts make this health food. I'd eat it for breakfast the next day too!
    Good to see you at the party.

  13. Those buns look dangerously good.

    I love Pimms and Lemonade. I used to serve it all of the time when I worked in London.


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